Prosiect Gwyrdd (Project Green)
172,000 tonnes of the waste treated at the Cardiff ERF is delivered by the five councils that make up the Prosiect Gwyrdd partnership; Caerphilly County Borough Council, City of Cardiff Council, Monmouthshire County Council, Newport City Council and Vale of Glamorgan Council.
As well as treating household waste on behalf of Prosiect Gwyrdd, the facility also receives non-recyclable waste from other contracts, helping local businesses divert their waste away from landfill.
Funding Opportunities
Funding Opportunities
We are keen to support the activities of local community associations and projects and have funded local sports team, church parishes and social groups over the past three years. The Viridor & Prosiect Gwyrdd Community Fund can provide financial support to community initiatives that operate in the Local Authority regions that make up Prosiect Gwyrdd.
£50,000 will be made available each year from April 2016 for 25-years. This represents the term of the Prosiect Gwyrdd contract for Viridor to handle the treatment of its residual (non-recyclable) waste at the ERF. Funding of projects is awarded on a set of criteria based around sustainability, local need, community involvement, value for money and education.
A panel meets quarterly to review eligible applications to the fund and make the final decision on how monies from the fund are to be distributed. The day to day administration of the Community fund is handled by Viridor. How the funds have been distributed will be reviewed by Viridor's Governance Committee on an annual basis.
Trident Park Community Newsletter
Community Liaison
Community Liaison
As part of our dedication to keeping the community up to date with activities at the facility we operate a local liaison group at Cardiff ERF which is attended by the local authority, local councillors, regulatory bodies, local community representatives and site management. The group meets every 3 months.
Find out more
Educational Resources
Educational Resources
Find out more about how we are talking with students and other community groups to helps raise awareness and develop greater understanding of why our ambition is to build a world where nothing goes to waste.